
Business Setup in Dubai

About Dubai Company Setup

Learn about Dubai Company Setup and how we landed in Dubai as simple expats to now flourishing business setup and visa experts helping new expat families settle in the UAE

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Table of Contents

From Novices to Dubai Business Setup Experts

Early days of starting the Business startup services in Dubai

Our Journey to Dubai

A Family’s Leap into the Dubai Expat Life

Our move from the UK to Dubai started with a mix of excitement and uncertainty. We had heard so much about the opportunities in Dubai the business friendly environment, the luxurious lifestyle, and the vibrant expat community. 

But, the actual process of relocating seemed daunting. 

We needed to understand everything from starting a business in Dubai to visa processes to finding a home and integrating into a new culture.

Office layout of our Expat Company setup in Dubai

Learning the Ropes of Dubai Business Services

Navigating the Visa Process in Dubai

We quickly learned the importance of the right visa for our family and starting the Dubai business setup. The initial residence visa process, which allowed us to rent a home and enroll our children in school, was our first victory.

Renting Homes vs. Buying Homes

Deciding between renting an apartment or buying a villa was a significant decision. Renting offered flexibility, but buying promised a sense of permanency and home in our new city.

The Car Dilemma in Dubai

The choice between buying and renting a car was influenced by our short term needs and long term plans. 

Dubai’s driving license process, including the infamous Oman border run for license renewal, was an adventure on its own!

Monthly Business setup meeting of Expat zone team in Dubai Marina

Unexpected Challenges Setting up Our Dubai Business Consultant Company

Higher Costs and Business Setbacks

The cost of living took us by surprise, especially dining out, which was a frequent treat back in the UK. 

Additionally, our first attempt at setting up a business was met with challenges, including navigating local regulations and encountering companies that saw expats as easy targets for inflated service fees.

Business consultant manager taking a selfie in Dubai Office

Founding Expat Zone in Dubai

From Novices to Experts

Now you know about us and our experiences that led us to found Expat Zone.

Frustrated by the complexities and the businesses that took advantage of our naivety, we were determined to ensure others wouldn’t face the same pitfalls. 

Now, as seasoned expats, we guide families through every step of settling in Dubai, from obtaining residency visas and drivers’ licenses to advising on the best neighborhoods and schools

Our journey taught us the ins and outs of expat life in Dubai, making us not just residents but experts dedicated to easing the transition for others. 

Through Expat Zone, we aim to make the dream of living in Dubai a smooth and transparent reality for families from around the world.

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