
Business Setup in Dubai

Expat Health Insurance and Medical Services

Navigating Health Insurance in Dubai is essential for expatriates and business owners. With mandatory requirements for residency visas, understanding private and public coverage options ensures access to quality healthcare in this vibrant city.

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6 Current Dubai Medical Care Facts

Dubai has 181 doctors per 100,000 residents, contributing to its efficient healthcare system

Fact 1

Expat workers in Dubai must have valid health insurance to access medical care

Fact 4

Private health insurance helps avoid monthly fines for non compliance

Fact 2

Public health insurance covers general examinations, diagnostics, and prescribed medications

Fact 5

The EBP costs between AED 550 to AED 650 annually

Fact 3

The UAE government mandates health insurance for all residents

Fact 6

Globe with a stethoscope symbol placed on top - Health insurance: Protecting your health around the world. Explore options offered by medical service providers.

Understanding UAE Health Insurance Requirements

When relocating to Dubai, understanding the health insurance requirements is crucial. 

Unlike UAE nationals, expatriates must have valid health insurance to access both public and private healthcare services

Employers are responsible for providing health insurance for their employees, while sponsors must ensure coverage for their dependents.

Image of a prescription bottle next to a plate of healthy food - Get the medications you need and maintain good health. Understand how health insurance covers medical services.

Types of Health Insurance Coverage

In Dubai, there are primarily two types of health insurance coverage: private and public. 

Private health insurance offers extensive coverage and access to the best medical facilities, making it essential for expatriates. 

Public health coverage mainly includes emergency and preventive services, with limitations on certain treatments.

Modern Dubai hospital building with a red heartbeat symbol superimposed - Access a network of hospitals and clinics. Explore health insurance plans with comprehensive medical services.

Private Health Insurance in Dubai

Choosing the right private health insurance in Dubai offers several advantages. 

It helps avoid monthly fines imposed for not having insurance, provides access to high quality medical facilities, and allows for personalised coverage options tailored to individual needs.

Person jogging outdoors in Dubai with a fitness tracker on their wrist - Stay active with peace of mind. Health insurance can cover unexpected medical emergencies.

Public Health Insurance in Dubai

Public health insurance in Dubai covers essential services such as general examinations, diagnostic tests, and prescribed medications. 

However, it may not include certain treatments like vision correction or dental exams. 

Public insurance is typically available for low earners or unemployed individuals through the Essential Benefits Plan (EBP).

UAE Doctor in a white coat examining a patient, both smiling - Receive professional medical care with confidence. Explore health insurance plans that prioritize patient experience.

Essential Benefits Plan (EBP)

The EBP in Dubai caters to residents earning below a certain threshold and their dependents. 

It covers basic healthcare needs but may have limitations on pre existing conditions and certain treatments. 

The plan ensures access to essential medical services at a fixed annual cost.

Calendar with a specific date circled and labeled "Doctor's Appointment" - Schedule appointments easily and manage your health. Health insurance simplifies access to Dubai medical services.

Best Dubai Health Insurance Plans for Expatriates

Expatriates in Dubai can choose from various health insurance plans offered by reputable providers such as Aetna International and Cigna Middle East. 

These plans offer different coverage levels and additional modules to enhance benefits according to individual preferences.

World map with several countries highlighted in different colors - Travel with peace of mind. Explore Dubai health insurance plans offering international medical coverage.

Qualifying for UAE Health Insurance

Expat workers in Dubai qualify for health insurance through their employers. 

To access medical care, they need a health card, which requires specific documents such as passport details, residence visa, and Emirates ID. 

The card enables access to both public and private healthcare facilities in the UAE.

Stack of financial documents with a stethoscope placed on top - Ensure affordability and access to Dubai healthcare. Explore health insurance plans that fit your budget and needs.

Importance of Dubai Health Insurance

Having valid health insurance is crucial for obtaining a UAE residency visa. Without proof of insurance, individuals cannot reside in Dubai legally. 

It ensures access to quality healthcare services and provides peace of mind for expatriates and their dependents.

Understanding these aspects of health insurance in Dubai is essential for expatriates planning to relocate and set up a business in the city

With the right coverage in place, individuals can focus on their ventures while ensuring their health needs are adequately addressed.

Dubai Medical FAQs

Is health insurance mandatory for expatriates in Dubai?

Yes, it’s mandatory for all expatriates to have valid health insurance to obtain residency visas in Dubai.


What are the types of health insurance available for expats in Dubai?

Expats in Dubai can opt for either private health insurance or the government’s Essential Benefits Plan (EBP).


What does private health insurance in Dubai typically cover?

Private health insurance offers extensive coverage, including inpatient and outpatient services, specialist consultations, and prescription medications.


How does the Essential Benefits Plan (EBP) work for expats?

The EBP is designed for low earners and provides basic healthcare coverage at a fixed annual cost, including essential medical services and treatments.


Can expats choose their healthcare providers with private insurance?

Yes, with private insurance, expats can select their preferred healthcare providers from a network of hospitals and clinics in Dubai.


Are pre existing conditions covered under expat health insurance?

Coverage for pre existing conditions may vary depending on the insurance provider and the specific policy. It’s essential to review the terms and conditions of the policy before purchasing.

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