
Business Setup in Dubai

UAE Freelancer Visa Requirements

Fancy going freelance in the UAE? Look no further than Expat Zone, Dubai's top agency for sorting out freelance visas. Whether you're looking to strike out on your own or need a savvy freelancer for a project, we're here to help. At Expat Zone, we don't just issue visas; we connect international freelancers with companies that need their skills. From securing your freelance visa to finding the perfect project, we've got your back every step of the way. Let’s make your freelance dreams a reality in Dubai!

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Handshake between a freelancer and a client silhouette. Secure your freelance work with the right UAE Freelancer Visa. Understand the requirements.

Can i apply for a Freelance visa from UK, USA, Canada?

Fancy striking out on your own in the buzzing business hub of Dubai?

Here’s how you can turn the freelance dream into a reality with just a few simple steps.

Whether you’re dialing in from the UK, USA, Canada, Australia, or Europe, here’s your complete guide to becoming a freelancer in Dubai.

How Can I Start My Freelance Journey in Dubai?

Research the Market

Research what’s in demand?

Begin by researching which freelance skills are in high demand in Dubai. Fields like IT, media, education, and marketing often seek freelancers. Understanding the market will help you position yourself strategically.

Set Up Your Workspace

Will you work from Home or Hub?

Decide whether you’ll work from home or rent a space in a co-working office. Dubai offers various co-working spaces that are equipped with all the amenities you need for a successful freelance career.

Secure a Visa with Expat Zone

Get your Freelance Visa:

Apply for a freelance visa available through Dubai’s free zones like Dubai Media City, Dubai Internet City, or TECOM. This visa will allow you to live and work legally as a freelancer in the UAE.

Build Your Network Locally

Make your Connections:

Attend networking events, join online forums, and connect with other professionals in your field. Building a strong network can lead to new projects and clients.

Get the Necessary Approvals

Obtain the Initial Approvals:

Depending on your field, you might need additional approvals or licenses from relevant authorities. For example, health professionals need approval from the Dubai Health Authority.

Launch Your Services

Time to go Live:

With your visa secured and your workspace set up, start marketing your services. Create a professional website, set up your social media profiles, and consider online platforms like LinkedIn to advertise your availability.

What Do I Need to Apply for a Freelance Visa?

To submit your application, you’ll need to provide the necessary documents.

Fill out our application form so we can process your submission. This typically includes your CV, copies of educational and professional qualifications, passport copy, and a proposal for your freelance services.

Passport and Visa Application:

A valid passport with at least six months remaining before expiration, and a completed visa application form.

Professional Credentials:

Copies of your academic and professional qualifications, demonstrating your expertise in your freelance field.

Resume or CV:

A detailed resume or CV that outlines your work experience, skills, and any previous freelance projects or positions held.

No Objection Certificate (NOC):

If you’re already in the UAE on a different type of visa, you’ll need an NOC from your current sponsor.

Health Insurance:

Proof of health insurance coverage, which is a mandatory requirement for living and working in Dubai.

Stack of educational certificates topped with a graduation cap. Meet the educational qualifications for a UAE Freelancer Visa.

Here’s the lowdown for freelancers

Alright, guys and gals! So, if you’re looking to get yourself a freelance visa with us at expat zone,

Know the Rules

First off, we will have a look at the visa requirements for freelancers in your chosen country. You can find this info on the gov.uk website or expat zone will have a chat with one of our immigration lawyers to make sure you’re on the ball with what you need.

We Get Your Docs Sorted

We will gather up all the bits and bobs you’ll need, like your passport, proof of income or savings, as for a place to stay, you will need to sort this part out yourself, however we can recommend some hotels in Dubai

Then we move on to health insurance, and any qualifications you’ve got in your back pocket. 

Have them all squared away before you dive in.

Apply Away

Once we have got your paperwork in order, fill out the application form and send it to us straight way. You might need to fork out a bit of dirhams for the application fee and pop in for a photo and fingerprinting session.

Attend Any Interviews

Depending on the country you are from, you might need to sit down for a chat with the immigration people. Make sure you turn up on time and bring all the bits and bobs they’ve asked for.

Keep Your Ear to the Ground

The waiting game begins after you’ve applied. Processing times can vary, so it’s best to get your application in early to avoid any unnecessary delays.

Get the Green Light

Once your application’s given the thumbs up, you’ll get your mitts on that freelance visa from expat zone. Check it over to make sure all the info’s spot on.

Stick to the Rules

Now that you’ve got your visa, make sure you’re playing by the book. That means keeping your address up to date, keeping on top of your health insurance, and not going off piste with your work activities.

Don’t Forget to Renew

Freelance visas usually come with an expiry date, so keep an eye on the calendar and make sure you renew in good time if you want to keep living the dream abroad.

And that’s the gist of it, mate! If you need any more pointers on UAE Freelancer Visa Requirements, don’t be shy to ask around or have a natter with someone who’s been through the process before such as Expat Zone which is a team of expats that now help new expats settle in Dubai. Cheers!

Stack of financial documents with a calculator showing the Dirham symbol (AED). Explore income requirements and financial documents needed for a UAE Freelancer Visa application.

How can you benefit as a UAE Freelancer?

Local Sponsor:


Independence: You have full control over your work without being tied to a specific individual or company.

Flexibility: You’re free to pursue various opportunities and tailor your work arrangements to fit your needs.

Ownership: You keep complete ownership and control over your business, allowing you to enjoy all the rewards.


Navigating Regulations: You’ll need to handle legal processes independently, which can be complex and time consuming, however we at expat zone will get all the paperwork sorted.

Financial Responsibility: You’re solely responsible for all financial aspects, including startup costs and taxes. But we can help you along the way. Check out our business tax services.

Limited Networking: Without a local sponsor, building connections within the local business community may be more challenging.



Diverse Income Streams: Working with multiple clients allows you to diversify your income sources, reducing reliance on any single employer.

Work Life Balance: By choosing your projects, you can better manage your workload and schedule, enabling a healthier work life balance.

Skill Development: Engaging in varied projects exposes you to different industries and challenges, fostering continuous skill development and growth.


Inconsistent Income: Relying on project based work may lead to fluctuations in income, making financial planning more challenging.

Client Management: Juggling multiple clients requires effective time management and communication skills to ensure client satisfaction and project delivery.

Market Competition: With the freedom to choose projects comes increased competition for desirable opportunities, requiring proactive networking and marketing efforts.

Thriving Market:


Abundant Opportunities: Dubai’s thriving freelance market offers a wide array of opportunities across various industries, providing ample room for growth and expansion.

Market Exposure: Being part of a bustling freelance scene exposes you to diverse clients, projects, and collaborations, enhancing your professional network and visibility within the industry.

Career Advancement: With the chance to establish yourself in a burgeoning market, you can position yourself as a leading expert in your field, attracting higher-paying clients and exciting career prospects.


Competition: The vibrant freelance market in Dubai also means stiff competition from other freelancers vying for similar opportunities, necessitating strong differentiation and marketing strategies to stand out.

Market Volatility: Like any market, Dubai’s freelance scene may experience fluctuations due to economic shifts or industry trends, requiring adaptability and resilience to navigate potential challenges.

Local Regulations: Navigating the regulatory landscape of a foreign market can pose additional complexities and compliance requirements, necessitating thorough research and understanding of local laws and business practices.


Who is eligible for a freelance visa in UAE?

To be eligible for a freelance visa in the UAE, you typically need to be at least 18 years old and have the necessary qualifications or experience in your field of work. You’ll also need to demonstrate that you have the financial means to support yourself while freelancing in the UAE.

How much is a 2 year freelance visa in Dubai?

The cost of a 2-year freelance visa in Dubai can vary depending on factors such as your nationality, the specific visa package you choose, and any additional services or benefits included. On average, you might expect to pay anywhere from a couple thousand dirhams to several thousand dirhams for a 2-year visa.

What is the installment plan for a UAE freelance visa?

Many companies offering freelance visa services in the UAE provide installment plans to help freelancers manage the cost of their visa. These installment plans typically involve paying an initial deposit followed by monthly or quarterly payments over a specified period. Be sure to check with your chosen visa service provider for details on their installment options.

How can I get paid as a freelancer in UAE?

As a freelancer in the UAE, you have several options for getting paid. You can receive payments directly into your local bank account, use online payment platforms such as PayPal or TransferWise, or even opt for cash payments if that’s more convenient for you and your clients. Just make sure to keep accurate records of your income and expenses for tax purposes.

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